A statuette for a film festival in Los Angeles

A new award to honor outstanding moviemaking achievements at the French Movie Festival in Los Angels

ClientColcoa French Film Festival in HollywoodLocationLos Angeles, United StatesYear2021Statusshortlisted

A thoughtful statuette design

For the COLCOA at the Los Angeles movie festival, I was shortlisted for designing the new statuette. The statuettes are solid bronze and plated in 24-karat gold. My approach was to propose a trophy in the shape of the twisted symbol of infinity with fragments of angel wings on both ends. This form is for me an allegory at the same time of an ephemeral moment captivated for eternity on film and of the magical nature of cinema. The trophy is on one side smooth: embodying on the one hand the aspect of the dream city of Hollywood, on the other rough: evoking the more complex character of Paris. The connection between the two halves of the sculpture is made of sculpted film reels, this intersection symbolizing both the art of cinema, the interactions between the two countries, and the film communities of the USA and France. A different interpretation of this shape is possible: the two encircle parts are emblems of brotherhood, wisdom, reflection, harmony, and friendship, but most importantly: they are a sign of freedom of creation and endless imagination of cinema.

Services:  creation, design development

Keywords: statuette design, movie price, Amsterdam architecture studio, Paris interior design